La Quinta's Modernization (Parent/Community meeting)

La Quinta's Modernization (Parent/Community meeting)
6/4/2014, 7:00 PM 8:30 PM
La Quinta's Gymnasium

Please join us and share your concerns and get your questions answered!
DATE: Wednesday, June 4, 2014
TIME: 7:00pm
LOCATION: La Quinta Gym

Please join us for a Parent/Community meeting to better understand modernization of our school buildings...
GGUSD Assistant Superintendent, Kelly McAmis & La Quinta HS Principal, Denise Halstead
will be presenting information on
  • Modernization Scope and Schedule
  • Campus wide closures
  • Applications for State Seismic Funding (Replacement of the 2 large academic buildings)
  • Details of new campus design

Construction begins December 2014
Please call 714-663-6315 for any questions
See attached flyer for more details

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